Refinishing and Resurfacing Wood Floors

room floor

Refinishing or resurfacing hardwood floors involves sanding and removing the old finish. Then, a new finish is applied to the wood. The process can take several days. Refinishing a floor without removing the old boards is possible, but it will be a slow and costly process.


Refinishing and resurfacing wood floors involves sanding off the top layer of the floor and reapplying a fresh coat of stain. The process can be done by a DIYer or a professional from refinished hardwood floors Denver, for instance. However, it is essential to note that refinishing wood floors is not a simple task. If you’re unfamiliar with this process, you may consider hiring a professional.

Refinishing wood floors can also help a homeowner change the color of the wood floor. Instead of having a drab, dull look, a homeowner can go with a light, dark, or red-tone floor. This can be an affordable way to change the face of a room.

To refinish a wood floor, the first step is identifying the wood type. Sometimes, it can be difficult to tell which wood is used. To determine which type of wood is right for your home, look at the grain of the wood. Look for swirly or curly boards – these are usually made of mahogany or maple. You should also look for an ‘S’-shaped grain pattern if you have oak.


Refinishing and resurfacing wood floors is an effective way to restore their original appearance and save money. It involves removing old flooring, grinding uneven boards, and reinforcing wood planks with new nails. Although the process is labor-intensive, it is significantly cheaper than installing a new carpet. The first step in refinishing wood floors is to remove any furniture from the room.

Depending on the type of finish, refinishing and resurfacing wood floors requires careful cleaning. The best way to prevent dirt from damaging the finish is to clean and dry the floor. Dust acts like sandpaper and will quickly dull the finish. It is also important to use disposable clothes when cleaning. Lastly, the best way to maintain the luster of your hardwood floors is to remove your shoes before walking on them.

Refinishing involves sanding away the uppermost layer of the floor and applying a new coat. This process requires a drum sander and a new stain or lacquer. You can do the process yourself, but hiring a professional will give you a better outcome.


To refinish your wood floors, you need to know what to expect. Several factors determine the costs. First, refinishing requires a professional who is licensed and insured. The contractor should also be experienced with a specific type of hardwood or finish. Lastly, the contractor should charge you a reasonable amount, and it’s best to get at least three quotes to ensure you’re getting the best deal.

The final cost of refinishing and resurfacing varies widely, but generally, it can cost from fifty cents per square foot to eight dollars per square foot. In addition, some contractors offer a dustless option, which can add another two to three percent to the total cost.

Refinishing is generally the same for all wood floors, but some require extra care and time. While most contractors know common wood types, some require special attention. Hardwood stairs, for example, may require more time and attention than floors of other varieties. As a result, hardwood stair refinishing can cost anywhere from eighty to one hundred dollars per step, depending on whether or not you have to remove the railings.

Preventative Care

When caring for wood floors, proper preventative care is critical. Exposure to sunlight, heat, and ultraviolet light can cause color fading and darkening. You can reduce the effects of these factors by rotating area rugs and installing window coverings.

If you notice surface scratches or fading, you will likely need to refinish or resurface your wood floors. While furniture often quickly covers minor scratches and dents, more extensive damage requires a thorough repair. Unfortunately, even a small scratch or dent on hardwood can go unnoticed for a long time before it becomes a problem.

Before refinishing or resurfacing wood floors, you should determine whether to have the foundation repaired or refinished. Professionals usually follow a systematic approach to floor refinishing and know how to tackle different problems. However, inexperienced homeowners may make mistakes or use the wrong tools.

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